DiskSorter Server and DiskSorter Enterprise provide the ability to automatically detect all servers and NAS storage devices
on the network, classify files in hundreds of servers and/or NAS storage devices via the network, submit file classification
reports to the reports database and display charts showing the used disk space per user across the entire enterprise.
In order to analyze disk space usage per user, perform one or more file classification operations on multiple servers and/or
NAS storage devices, open the 'Reports' dialog, press the 'Analyze' button and select the 'Analyze Disk Space Usage Per User'
menu item. DiskSorter will analyze all reports saved in the reports database and display the users analysis dialog showing
the disk space usage per user.
The users analysis dialog provides the ability to display pie charts and bars charts showing the disk space usage per user
according to file classification reports saved in the reports database. The user is provided with the ability to select the
types of file classification operations and file system locations to analyze, edit the chart header and footer, copy the chart
image to the clipboard and export graphical PDF reports including pie charts.
IMPORTANT: In order to be able to display the disk space usage per user, the file classification operation should be configured
to process and display files user names.